Monday, November 11, 2013

@itsmydarlin on Instagram

I always resist new social media at first. I don't want to learn how to use it or I am afraid I will let it suck up my time. My last hold outs were Instagram and Pinterest  and I finally caved on both in the last few months. Instagram I am really growing to love because it has made me realize how incredible these little cameras on our iPhones are. As I scroll through my feed each day I'm amazed by the beauty that the people I follow find in the everyday world. I'm still getting rolling with Pinterest so my boards are a bit sparse but you can find me there under Dana Landon.

These are some things that I have posted since I signed up with Instagram. You can find me @itsmydarlin. I post about food, travels and animals that I think are adorable. Sometimes I will also post screen shots from the back of my big girl camera when I am out taking shots for the blog. Sneak peaks :) Is there anyone on Instagram that I need to start following? I've been given a few great suggestions recently but keep them coming.

Helsinki, Finland

Old Porvoo, Finland

Snohomish, WA

Idaho Falls, ID

Dick's Drive-In on Broadway

Andina Restaurant in Portland, OR

Me at Stump Lake (Lake Keechelus) in Mason County, WA

Sunset from my porch on Capitol Hill

Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood

The state fair

My cat Frankie (doing "Torpedo Cat" according to @creativequality)

Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood

@Cerulia 's dog Murray
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