Pike Place Market
As you are all probably beginning to gather, I really like when people wear unique hats. It is something that everyone used to have in their wardrobe but hat wearing and hat making has changed. Now most hats are mass produced, cheaply made and one size fits all. The bright side of this is that it makes it extra special when you see a well made one. Beth is a big fan of the art of millinery too. She was nice enough to email me a list of milliners that she knows in the Seattle/Portland area. And so, I share them with you dear readers...
Wayne Wichern (Bay Area) -- www.waynewichernmillinery.com
Dayna Pinkham (Portland) -- www.pinkhammillinery.com
Jean Hicks (Seattle) -- www.jeanhicks.com
Izzie Lewis (Seattle) -- www.izzielewis.com
Daria Wheatley (Snohomish) -- Facebook
Ann de Vuono (Seattle) -- www.devuonohats.com
Carol Campbell (Seattle) -- www.ccchapeau.com
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