Friday, March 15, 2013

Healthy Salted Caramel Dip | A Continued Obsession With My New Roots

My New Roots Sarah Britton Healthy Raw Salted carmel dip apple

I just don't know how she does it...

I am completely infatuated with the blog of nutritionist and chef Sarah Britton. My New Roots has opened up for me a whole new world of cooking with whole foods since I discovered it a few years back. I make pretty much everything that she posts and when it is extra extraordinary I like to share with you guys. In the last week I made the raw salted carmel dip you see above as well as a superfood bread that requires only one dish and no rising (for reals!). I'll be posting the bread in a few days but for now I wanted to show you this carmel dip before the weekend.

This dip is out of this world good and made of all good for you things. Medjool dates, almond butter, lemon juice, sea salt and vanilla bean. That's it!  You can find the recipe here. I highly suggest taking a little trip down to Pike Place Market to get dates (or anywhere near you that has them fresh in bulk). I get mine from a stand inside the main arcade. The ones in a package at the grocery store would work fine but fresh ones that are very soft and sticky are so much better. As for the almond butter, both PCC and Madison Market have grind your own available and it is not only less expensive but I think it tastes better when you grind it fresh. Maybe this is just in my head.

In addition to using this as a dip Sarah suggests using it as a spread on toast, as a frosting or as a filling along with fruit in a tart. Snack away, this is good for you!

Also, if you love good food like I do then you will really enjoy this amazing TED Talk that Sarah Britton did. Definitely worth a watch.

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