Don and I do road trips in a way that would probably drive most crazy. We pick a very open ended destination and we make our way there eventually but along the way if we see a sign, a road or a town that grabs our attention we turn. Sometimes we never even get to where we originally planned to go but we always find something wonderful. On our most recent drive to Portland we exited at Chahelis for gas and both decided that we were curious what we would find if we headed west on Highway 6. This highway winds through green farmland and hugs the edge of a beautiful lush river. We passed a cheese maker, the adorable town of PE Ell and finally this unbelievable swimming hole.
We call this way of getting places The Lefts and Rights Route. It's never regretted and many great hole in the way restaurants and diners have been discovered along the way during these adventures. We live in a pretty magical place. I know its not possible to see it all but I like trying.