This is, by far, my favorite time of year. The fall layers, the crisp air, the beautiful colors. But most of all, I LOVE harvest foods. Specifically, I can't get enough pumpkin and squash. The Don and I went out to Woodinville and picked out some pumpkins recently and it has been a pumpkin cooking extravaganza here ever since. I thought I would share some of these magical creations with you guys. Oh, and a little update on the ol' ankle. I go back in to see the orthopedic doctor next week and that is supposed to be when I find out if I get to stop using the crutches and get back to walking with the help of this oh-so-lovely walking boot I've been wearing. Cross your fingers for me. I'm going Crazy not being able to walk. Not to mention I am dying to get out and start taking photos of you guys again. It's been so long! Sometimes I'll be in the car and I see someone crossing the street looking so great and I get tempted to start approaching people even though I'm using crutches... then I think about the logistics of taking those photos with no hands and it all gets a little tricky. Oh, how I miss my foot. But, hopefully in the next two weeks I will be semi back on my feet again. We'll see.
So for now, more food! And next week will be my last CHS feature until I am able to get out and take photos again. It is the last photo left taken on Capitol Hill prior to the fated day that my mobility was taken away from me.
Now, pumpkin time:
Pumpkin Brownies: A recipe suggestion from my friend Veronica at La V En Rose. These were so flavorful and moist. They were like pumpkin version of a cakey brownie recipe.
And the biggest hit yet... and by yet I mean of ALL the things that Don has made me... Pumpkin soufflé brulee. Every bite I took was followed by hand clapping, "oh-my-gosh"ing and leaning back for a second to take it all in before having the next bite. It was so rich and satisfying. This is my new favorite dessert. Let me know if you want the recipe and I will have Don write it down for me.
Now I'm hungry. I'm going to go have some dinner.
*Update* (As requested...)
Pumpkin Souffle Brulee Recipe:
- Preheat oven to 350
- 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
- 2 cups fresh roasted or canned pumpkin, mashed
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg plus 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
- 1 cup half-and-half
- 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) melted butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, optional
- Bakers sugar and torch to brulee after baking, optional
- In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese with a hand mixer. Add the pumpkin and beat until combined. Add the sugar and salt, and beat until combined. Add the eggs mixed with the yolks, half-and-half, and melted butter, and beat until combined. Finally, add the vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger (if used) and beat until mixed.
Pour into souffle/brulee dishes and cook until firm (about 35-40 min). Brulee a layer of sugar on top with torch.