"We shouldn't just live in our clothes - we should let them share our biggest dreams and passions. Fashion is such an exiting chance to wear not just fabric but history, stories and something meaningful every time we get dressed." -Michael Cepress
A few years ago I introduced you all to designer Michael Cepress (well, those of you who didn't already know about him). So many exciting things have happened for him since then. Michael has moved his studio space from Capitol Hill down to the beautiful historic INSCAPE ARTS building behind Uwajimaya in the International District (photo location above), his work has been featured in numerous magazines, he is currently showing his work as a part of the Craft Biennial at the Bellevue Arts Museum and he recently found out that Macklemore and Ryan Lewis wore his designs in a shoot they did for OUT magazine. In other words; Michael is blowing up!
Michael has big plans for what he wants to do with his next line which is going to include Men's and Women's clothing. I've seen some of the pieces he is working on and they are incredible. Rather than tell you about it, you should watch this gorgeous video and see for yourself what he has up his sleeve for us. What Michael has in mind for 2013 is a major undertaking and in order to make it all happen he started a Kickstarter campaign where you can pledge and take part in an exciting new piece of Seattle fashion history. If Michael reaches his Kickstarter goal, with your pledge not only will you get to know that you are helping make Seattle a more stylish place but you will also receive a gift ranging from original handmade MC designs to having a garment from the 2013 line named after you and then custom made in your size for you to keep. Michael is bringing such beauty to this city and he is doing it with a passion that makes me beyond excited to watch it all happen.
So go check it out!!