Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Envvied: Try It and See What You Think!

I was contacted recently by DJ Park who is working on developing a fun and user friendly way to shop the clothing and accessories that you see in photos online called Envvied. He asked if we would like to give it a try to see how we like it. After checking out how it all works I really like where DJ is going with Envvied. I think it could be a really great way to start a conversation about and find where to purchase the items we see and want in photos. 

So, here is your sneak peak! Scroll your mouse over the photos below, click around on the windows that pop up, and swing by and explore . Let us know what you think. You can write me at, leave your thoughts on the Facebook page or go straight to the source and shoot DJ an email at

Really curious to know if this is something you would enjoy having on sites like mine.

Helene Christensen Macy DeChamplain scarf hat bangs seattle street style fashion fremont it's mydarlin'

Helene Christensen scarf hat bangs seattle street style fashion fremont it's mydarlin'

Helene Christensen & Macy Dechamplain | Fremont

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