I was recently given a box of Chokladbiskvis from Liberty Bakery in Vancouver BC by my friend Stacy from Bijou Living. Since eating up the box over the weekend memories of these cookies have been tormenting me. The bottom is like the two perfect cookies that sandwich the filling of macaron, the filling hiding underneath is a fluffy chocolate buttercream and then they are dipped in tempered dark chocolate. The combination of flavors and textures is totally amazing. I don't know how I have never seen these at a bakery before.
I found several recipes online and decided to try to replicate them at home. I ended up using this recipe from Me and My Sweets but taking tips on the different steps from this version on Anne's Food. None of the recipes I looked at had a suggestion for creating an even smooth cookie on the bottom but I found that it worked best to chill the dough and then to form each disk with my fingers after running my hands under cold water then lightly drying them off before molding each one. Also, because butter is the main ingredient in that filling I definitely recommend getting the good stuff from the co-op or the farmers market (you can buy fresh butter at the U-dist Saturday market and Ballard Sunday market). Same goes for that chocolate shell. Grab a nice dark chocolate bar to chop up for melting.
Thanks Stacy for introducing me to my current obsession.
Happy Valentines Day readers! I hope that you too treat yourself to some good food today.