An unexpected rainstorm happened on my walk home from work the other day and as I fumbled with my umbrella and started hurrying to get to my apartment Skylar passed me... Put together, elegant and composed as if there weren't a huge thunderstorm barreling down. She was nice enough to stop for a photo so I huddled under an awning and snapped a few shots of her. I usually don't bother people in the rain because I imagine they too are trying to get to where they are going quickly but I just couldn't resist.
Skylar works at Bettie Page Clothing just down the street from where I took this photo on Broadway. She is wearing Bettie Page's "Gigi" dress and Bolero as well as a their handbag and umbrella. The pillbox hat is from her own collection. Skylar grew up in the small down of Deming, WA but now lives here in Seattle where she is an alternative model and recording artist when she isn't working her day job at Bettie Page.