Saturday, November 26, 2011


vegetarian thanksgiving
We spent this Thanksgiving cooking for Don's family at our apartment. For a few years now it has just been he and I cooking for ourselves and every year Don has talked about wanting to cooking Thanksgiving dinner for his mom. It was such a great experience and all the food turned out perfectly. We did a lot of staple Thanksgiving side dishes with a vegetarian twist and had a "Neat Loaf" in place of turkey. As always though, Don's main focus was on bringing amazing desserts to the table. He made pecan pie, pumpkin brulee chessecake, caramel apple pie and a homemade version of those hostess cupcakes complete with the white curlicues. Yesterday was filled with leftover glory but today I'm ready for a little detox and all I can seem to get interested in is my tea drawer... possibly a bowl of oatmeal. Over indulgence success!
I hope you all had a beautiful holiday whether you cooked, watched someone else cook or ordered your favorite takeout. Happy Thanksgiving.

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