There is such an exciting AND FREE concert series starting tonight and happening every Friday for the rest of the summer at the Seattle Center. KEXP and the Seattle Center have teamed up to create what they are calling Concerts At the Mural. With bands including Blitzen Trapper, Throw Me the Statue (both tonight!), The Dodos, Fruit Bats, and Moondoggies this series is going to be such a fun way to start the weekend. The shows will go from 5pm-8pm and are open to all ages so grab some blankets and a picnic and head on down tonight for a dose of great music.
In addition to the shows on Friday nights, the KEXP BBQ will also be at this same location this year rather than their regular spot by Whole Foods on Denny. The KEXP BBQ usually has an entry fee so they are really going all out this year for thier listeners. The line up includes Dinosaur Jr, Viva Voce, Japandroids, Champagne Champagne, and more. The BBQ is on Saturday August 8th from 2-9pm. I am so excited to get to take advantage of these amazing concerts!
Here is a link to a map of the Seattle Center incase you haven't been to the Mural Amphitheater (#32) before.